An Eternal Perspective Changes Everything

Unseen and Eternal exists to encourage and equip women to fix their eyes on the eternal, and to remain firmly planted in truth in order to love what is lasting.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Recent Posts

God Speaks. Why Listen? Thoughts From A Student.

God Speaks. Why Listen? Thoughts From A Student.

God loves us, and he wants to communicate with us, but hearing him requires intentional listening on our part. He loves you that much. He cares for you, personally, individually, right now, exactly who you are, where you are at this very moment in time. No exceptions.

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Peace, and Feet Fitted with Readiness

Peace, and Feet Fitted with Readiness

Our sin-soaked selves can come before the throne of a holy God and be met with peace singularly because of Jesus. The gospel establishes readiness that equips us to navigate treacherous terrain with a firm grip on peace.

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I Will Restore You

I Will Restore You

True restoration is something comfort can’t author. Sometimes In order to enjoy the peaks, we have to do some climbing. But He will restore every single day what our heart needs to thrive in the work he has given us to do. He is without limit, and he lavishes us with his love.

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Rollercoasters and floods can prove disorienting. But there are things that can orient our hearts and speak truth when we don’t have eyes to see it.

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Glamping, Storms and Promises

Glamping, Storms and Promises

A few years ago, about a second before the kids were going back to school, my enneagram 7 husband says, “We should take a family trip. To South Dakota.” I looked at him blankly. Because… planning. In order to make it work we would need to leave in about a minute. OK,...

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Curt Thompson City Care Seminar Reflections From a Mom

Curt Thompson City Care Seminar Reflections From a Mom

I just got back from spending a day listening to Curt Thompson. So much of what he had to say was for counseling professionals, but as a mom, I couldn’t help but consider my kids as I listened. So, here are a few of the points of reflection I’m still mulling over.

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Firmly Planted Study

As moms, we make big and little choices every day that ripple into forever. Under the premise that the work of being a mom is eternal in nature, author Emily Taylor spent two years interviewing women at various stages in their parenting journeys regarding their perspectives on mom life. Themes surfaced. Challenges that seemed nearly universal in nature inspired the study that flowed from these pages.

Written to encourage, equip and inspire moms who hope to stand with feet firmly planted in truth — despite storms that rush in and winds that blow. With an introduction and five additional weeks of content, each week offers five days of study as an opportunity to examine a specific challenge to mom life, consider what is true, and write a custom strategy at it’s closing. The material is written so that you might work through it on your own, or grab some friends and discuss it each week.

  • Week 1: Introduction
  • Week 2: Identity
  • Week 3: Control / Worry
  • Week 4: Nurtured to Nurture
  • Week 5: Pace and Purpose
  • Week 6: Find Your People

It is true that in this life worthy investments will face challenges, but it is also true that we have been provided all we need to stand with feet firmly planted and grow into the woman God made us to be, and do what He calls us to do.

Encountering God

What if it were true that God has given us access? Would you go to him? What if it were true that he delights in you and wanted you to know him?
What if there were a resource that helped you listen to him better?

This FREE resource is available to download here.

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