
Hello! I’m Emily.
I live in Nebraska, and I do life with my entrepreneur husband who has an eye for adventure like no one I know. I’m a captivated believer in the truth that an eternal perspective changes everything – and it give me cause to catch my breath on the regular.
I’m also a mom.
That gives me cause to catch my breath for lots of reasons (you get me). Those 3 beautiful little people are going to last forever; and currently they live in my house. They make my life a blur of precious and wild, and I can’t believe I get to be their mom.
For some reason, God invaded my heart with 2 Corinthians 4:18 several years ago, and I am increasingly convinced an eternal perspective changes everything. I also think being a mom is eternal work, so I wrote and published a Bible Study: Firmly Planted, Facing 5 Challenges of Mom Life; after conducting two years of interviewing other moms.
I would love it if you spent some time with me here. Let’s be a generation of women who gaze through a new filter on life — one that comes when we chose to lock our eyes on the sure hope of Jesus and everything he promises. Let’s be a people who fixes our eyes on the unseen and the eternal.
Angela “Mimi” Herrington
Forty-Five years ago, she flew home from a summer working in a Christian Hostel in Chateau d’OEx, Switzerland and shortly thereafter got married and the real adventure started. She graduated Cum Laude in Mathematics from Baylor, taught math at the University of Nebraska for over a decade, raised four kids while planting a church with her husband.
She had, at one point four children aged five and under. She thinks they are her highest accomplishment. Her superpower is organizing, and her passion is reading (300-400 pages a week!). What’s sitting on her bedside at the moment is Mama Bear Apologetics, The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller, and The Insanity of Sacrifice by Nik Ripken…along with her bible and prayer notebook.
She disciples young women, loves her neighbors, and serves as the relational glue for her four children and six grandchildren. She also partners in ministry with her husband who serves as a pastor at WoodsEdge Community Church in The Woodlands, Texas.
The glory of Angela’s content, which you can find in “A Moment with Mimi,” each month, is that she brings a multi-generational perspective. She has the experience to recall her family of origin, the family she birthed, and the ones her kids launched into. There is some real sharpening to be had there. You’re going to love it!

Julie Herrington
Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here, and I am thrilled I get to share my love for food and flavor with you; because even while we fix our eyes on the eternal, we’re oftentimes cooking for our people, right?! And that effort matters — because it’s one way to love people.
Here’s my story: I’ve had a fondness for the kitchen ever since I was a child. I grew up with food always being the focal point of family gatherings. While attending Auburn University, I realized that my love for baking desserts and sharing with friends was more than a personal passion, but a career path I wanted to pursue. Upon graduating with a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Manage-ment, I moved to San Francisco to attend The California Culinary Academy and earned a degree in Pastry and Baking. In February of 2010, I joined The Ritz-Carlton, Dallas, where I expanded and honed my pastry skills, learning under great talent. In 2013, I was asked to be apart of the opening team for Savor Gastropub, where I served as Pastry Chef. Within a year, the company launched a catering business, and cake business, and I moved into Pastry Chef over all divisions of the company. In 2018, I received one of my greatest blessings, and married by best friend, Heath. I knew if God gave us children, I would want to be a stay at home mama. In November of 2020 we welcomed the sweetest gift our little boy, Hayden into the world. This past year being at home with him has meant the world to me, but I’ve felt a burning to use my gifts and talents. Being able to stay at home to raise our son and use my gifts is truly my “dream” job. You can find reci-pes I love here, and if you’re in Dallas, you can check out what cookies I’m baking at Refined Sugars!
Angela Maurstad
Hi! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m a midwestern girl who grew up with cornfields, cattle and daydreaming under the big Nebraska sky. After graduating from the University of Nebraska, I started a career in marketing and sales for corporate America. God led my sweet husband, Derek and I to each other at a movie theatre (yep – it doesn’t just happen in the movies!), and after we got married and had our kiddos I ventured into being a full-time stay-at-home mom to the two most amazing humans. Now that they are in full-time school, I work as a Project Manager for START, a non-profit focused on helping families with digital health. You can learn more about START on the resources page 🙂 I also help design Bible studies – one of them being the Firmly Planted study!
Every day I ask God to help me follow the path He has set before me…and am excited this path has led me to Unseen and Eternal where you’ll find my touch on product design and the quarterly newsletter.

Seth Herrington
Hi – I’m Seth. I’m married to a gem of a woman named Paola, who loves me well every day. We’re raising my daughter Miriam together in Austin, Texas, where I work in product development for an education agency. Most days I have one foot in the world of good design and the other in educational content and curriculum. I used to work as a bilingual education teacher and have a solid background in language acquisition. Overall I think language is just beautiful, and as a Christian, I bring that into my study of the Bible.
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