A Moment With Mimi
An eternal perspective is something we choose and foster, and one really effective way to do that is attending to a multigenerational perspective. When it comes to big life realities like watching your children have children, noticing how our stories are not silos but they merge and bleed into the lives around us, losing parents, taking the ups and downs of heartache and celebration… we are wise to consider how that looks for people a step ahead and a step behind us. We’re better prepared as our own stories unfold, and we generate better understanding for those around us.
Enter Mimi.
Once a month you can taste some of her thoughts on legacy, being a grandparent, discipleship and so much more. Be sure to pay attention to the end of her posts — there will be suggested action steps related to the topic. You’re going to love it.

Angela “Mimi” Herrington
A Christmas to Remember or Forget—Which will it be?
We are embarking on the season when many of us spend a great deal of time with other family members—ones who live both near and far. As we encounter a variety of “extras” that demand our attention, it could serve us well to prioritize what is truly needed.
She Smiles at the Future
My natural view of the future was (and often still is) filled with worry about what-ifs. But when I became a Christian I made a choice to set aside what I thought was a good idea, and, instead, find out what God had to say.
Wonder Woman Does Not Live Here
If I could, I would tell my younger self to stop trying to do so much. There is nothing wrong in living within your means—not just financially, but also emotionally, mentally, and physically.
Is Everything Going Your Way?
It doesn’t matter how many times you tell your kids how they should respond in life when they don’t get their own way if you aren’t modeling it.
Comic Relief
I have found that I do life best when I can interrupt the challenging moments with moments of lightheartedness. It doesn’t make the tough moments go away, but it makes them easier for me to deal with. I don’t know what your year has looked like, but if you could use some comic relief, let me tell you a little story about camping / canoeing as a family. Memory making at it’s height.
Don’t Ever Think What You Do Is Ordinary
When we value strong character in our households, we contribute to having a lasting impact on not only our child, but also on the world around them.
Will They Want to Invite Me Back?
Today I would like to pose the same question to all of us who have adult children. When we visit our grown-up kids and their families, do you think they will want to invite us back?
My Goals Aren’t Being Met… What Do I Do?
I remember the first time I discovered that things didn’t automatically turn out the way I wanted—even when I was responsible and made good choices. We had twins. And I started learning about the difference between goals and desires.
Helping Your Child be Successful
Today’s post is for all the parents out there who want to help their kids reach their full potential. Let’s consider what’s actually success.
In Celebration of Pi Day
Happy Pi Day! Not only do I LOVE math, but I believe there are some life lessons we can learn from the subject. Grab some pie and read on.
Marriage 45 Years In
What does love have in common with Charles Dickens’ famous novel A Tale of Two Cities? The opening sentence “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” makes you want to proceed with caution. But think about how those contrasts apply to marriage. When my...
Confessions from a Change-Resistant Person
Well, here we are again, starting a new year with fresh expectations and hopes, wondering how this year will be different from the last. Although I gave up making “New Year’s Resolutions” many years ago, I still wonder how each new year will be different from the...
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