
One Big Legacy Myth

One Big Legacy Myth

If I “do life right,” parent brilliantly, and disciple intentionally; my kids and the people I care most about will take hold of what is good, true and right.  Or alternatively; if I screw up on occasion, I will have doomed my kids and the people I influence to fail....

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a Legacy

The story you are a part of does not start and end with your birth and death; rather, you are part of a series of life impacts.  Your decisions, priorities, values; your efforts — they go way beyond your own life.  Your value as an individual is tremendous, but your...

Two Whispers, Two Results

Two Whispers, Two Results

How many times do you laugh about a season of life that you are SO glad is over?!  Like dating, your first job, junior high, the years you spent finding yourself.  Usually you can spend hours with old friends laughing and reminiscing until the tears are freely falling...

Breaking Point

Breaking Point

In the last few days I have heard 3 people who are dear to me use the phrase “I am at my breaking point.”  All for completely unique reasons and seasons of life demands.  And because I love them I am so grateful that they all have growing and vibrant relationships...

Leaving a Legacy — A View from 90

Leaving a Legacy — A View from 90

I love my Papaw.  And he has made a mark on a tremendous number of people.  After acknowledging a clear and certain call on his life, he went from being a brilliant mechanic to a passionate pastor.  I’m pretty certain he has talked to more people about eternal stuff...

Do vs. Done

Do vs. Done

One of the most significant distinctions in the Christian faith is the “do versus done,” concept.  To me, it’s also one of the most love-saturated truths. Yesterday, the boys and I came home to find our carbon monoxide alarms going off in the house.   Awesome.  The...

A Desperate Heart

A Desperate Heart

What are you desperate for?  Desperation is prompted when we are acutely aware of that which we are lacking and also believe to be essential.  And it typically evokes action.  When we are utterly convinced of a need for something we are compelled to take active steps...

Control, Submission, and the Chicago Air Traffic Control Center

Control, Submission, and the Chicago Air Traffic Control Center

I used to be categorized as a pretty flexible, undemanding, mostly spontaneous person.  Gone are those days. I have become sort of type A.  Not by nature, by absolute necessity. Because I have kids — whom I love and adore and would like to see into adulthood; so the...

Leaving a Legacy – A View from 60

Leaving a Legacy – A View from 60

I cannot tell you how excited and honored I am to present these words from a brilliant man who also happens to be my Dad.  He has been a critical player in  28 church plants, currently acts as the Executive Pastor at Hill Country Bible Church in Austin, Tx, and...

Grace and Cutting People Slack

Grace and Cutting People Slack

We all need grace don’t we?  Life is a journey, and sometimes we need people to laugh, shrug stuff off, and cut us some slack — because truthfully speaking rarely are any two people at the exact same point in their journey and nobody has access to the depths of our...

2 Kinds of Treasure

2 Kinds of Treasure

I posted recently about how alas, the coveted asset of control belongs to basically no one.  But… yes, thank God there is a “but;” there are a handful of precious things we DO control.  There are some obvious controllables related to our intentionality in life; but...

Why We Need Boundaries With Social Media

Why We Need Boundaries With Social Media

I was on the hunt for a white v-neck t-shirt yesterday (I know, I’m crazy fashionable), and on my way to the Gap I had the privilege of passing by the Apple Store.  Holy Black Friday on a random Saturday.  I guess since the iPhone 6 has been released everyone on...