That handsome man you see in the picture just happens to be my husband. He's my favorite. We just celebrated 11 years of marriage by sitting cage-side at an Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event he was working in Chicago. Truth. Nothing says romance like deciphering the...
Truth Laced Lies
The air was thick with tension over what had been unfolding day after day after day. They were desperate for a rescuer and even the man ruling over them seemed without answers and without courage. They weren’t enough and they knew it. Or at least, that’s what they...
People Change
People change. Whenever I hear someone utter the phrase “people don’t change, not really,” I can’t help but cringe a little. Because you guys, we do. It just seems to hopeless, so cynical to think we can’t evolve. Doesn’t it? Let’s have some reverence for free...
Two Truths About Resolution and Change
The thing that cracks me up about the New Year is that we often make these goals that just lend themselves to scrutiny. Pretty lofty ones sometimes. And we mean it… mostly anyway. I mean, one goal of mine was to improve the timing of my blog posts, but here I am on...
7 Things I Want My Boys To Know
Let’s face it — our world desperately needs men. Real men. When life is what hangs in the balance, we need someone to uphold truth and beckon life when darkness threatens. There are men like this, and I want to make sure there continues to be. And I think most of...
Grace and Cutting People Slack
We all need grace don’t we? Life is a journey, and sometimes we need people to laugh, shrug stuff off, and cut us some slack — because truthfully speaking rarely are any two people at the exact same point in their journey and nobody has access to the depths of our...
A Desperate Heart
What are you desperate for? Desperation is prompted when we are acutely aware of that which we are lacking and also believe to be essential. And it typically evokes action. When we are utterly convinced of a need for something we are compelled to take active steps...
It’s A Season
Today it was easy to be content. SO easy. This morning the air was crisp and cool, the sun was bright, and the wind at bay. The boys threw rocks into the lake that literally seemed to sparkle, and as they laughed and played I sipped my coffee, hugged my sweatshirt...