Intentional living

Life at Its Fullest Measure

Life at Its Fullest Measure

I think the most devastating reality we could face would be that we missed out on the great mission and purpose and full life that God has in mind for us; that we would sacrifice the eternal for the moment, and that we would be content with the substitution over the real thing.

Unseen and Eternal

Unseen and Eternal

I believe an eternal perspective changes everything.  We all have to make a decision about what we believe about eternity.  And about what we believe is eternal.  It impacts the way we work, the way we play, the way we parent, protect, apply boundaries, engage with people, the way we love.  It alters the way we experience relationships, consider poverty, and perceive wealth. It dictates our goals, our mission in life, our visions for the future and our hopes.  It changes our priorities.  It guides our way of thinking in EVERYTHING we do.