


Sharpeners are to be treasured, because not everyone will linger long enough to see your life, observe the beauty and recognize the vulnerabilities and gaps, and ALSO be willing to show them to you.

Friendships With Fortitude

Friendships With Fortitude

If you could put together a list of your deepest longings for friendship, what would you include? If people are eternal, then they’re immeasurably valuable. So let’s linger here, because it’s worthy.

Multum Non Multa and Moms

Multum Non Multa and Moms

Before I took a break from blogging a few years ago, I announced that I would be taking the summer off of public writing to embrace “Festina Lente,” (Latin for “make haste slowly”).  My plan was to strategize the next season of writing, because I love it here. And...

Married to a 7 — 7 Things to Know

Married to a 7 — 7 Things to Know

Marriage is always a ride. Always. There’s a good reason why we stand, love-struck, before an altar and say some things about sticking together in the face of every extreme possibility. But for those of us married to enneagram 7’s… well, it sure does seem like the...