Foamy splashes of salt water breaking over my face is what woke me up to the reality of my situation. It was all I could see in every direction and I wasn’t alone. From my perch on a splintered piece of driftwood I searched the waters around me, silently; eyes wide...
My Honest Agenda
I have an agenda. Let me start with that honest truth. I love to write, but I cannot say that I am the best at it. I love God, but there are people who love him more. I love considering the eternal, but there is so much I still have to learn. I am no professional...
The Gap
I am pregnant. (!!!!!!!!) Yes, that somewhat explains my silence — my sudden and irrefutable need for sleep has trumped, well, almost everything once my parenting duties are complete for the night. And not surprisingly it has also inspired some reflection and...
Why Does God Want To Be Known?
God wants to be known. All over scripture he went to great lengths to make people aware of who he was. In the Old Testament, a variation of the phrase: “Then they will know that I am the Lord,” is used 88 times. 65 times in Ezekiel alone. Most of the time it was...