


Lullabies are sweet songs intended for the purpose of lulling into slumber.  It’s a delicious taste of peace to receive their sweet sounds — and to deliver the ones we love into a dream.  Until, alas, we are pulled from our dreamy depths and we must awaken.  My...

My Honest Agenda

My Honest Agenda

I have an agenda.  Let me start with that honest truth.  I love to write, but I cannot say that I am the best at it.  I love God, but there are people who love him more.  I love considering the eternal, but there is so much I still have to learn.  I am no professional...

People Change

People Change

People change.  Whenever I hear someone utter the phrase “people don’t change, not really,” I can’t help but cringe a little.  Because you guys, we do.  It just seems to hopeless, so cynical to think we can’t evolve.  Doesn’t it?  Let’s have some reverence for free...