There is no possible way I could capture every brilliant book out there, but here are a few books that I have personally loved. Remember, unless you are reading the Bible, pretty much everything else will have bits and pieces you don’t agree with and are rightfully discarded. But just as the people in our bubble can sharpen us, I think these authors can too.
The Tech-Wise Family
With content jam-packed with research from Barna, this book will give researched in-sight into the impact of technology on our lives, and prompt the reader to thoughtfully keep it in its place. Family was intended for forming, and while technology isn’t bad, our generation is making never-before faced with decisions about it’s use within our fami-lies, and doing this intentionally while asking some key questions is a gift of intentionali-ty.

This is one of those few books that should probably be read once a year. Andrew Mur-ray does a masterful job of laying a feast of wisdom on each page, and I underlined more than I left untouched. He makes the case that humility is the root virtue, from which all other virtues are fed by, and frankly, it’s counterintuitive. Trust me, this book is worth every moment you spend reading it.
The thing I like most about this book is that it’s a mindset. Like any book that’s not the Bible, you may not agree with every word, but I have never read a parenting book that made a bigger difference in my actual parenting. Tripp makes the claim that parenting is ambassadorial work, and the way I respond to my assignment to my children chang-es with this perspective. Parenting in eternal work. Let’s have eyes to see that truth.

Gentle and Lowly
The words about how Jesus feels about you and I have perhaps never been so compel-ling outside of scripture itself. In the one specific phrase that Jesus uses to describe himself, this book explores and uncovers the significance of that to you and me. Pre-pare to feel valuable and to see your savior with fresh eyes.
Mark of the Lion
Friends… Francine Rivers is probably my favorite pleasure read. For a fictional book series, I have never been more inspired or prompted to live in ultimate surrender to the God who comes after us. If you have a little margin carved out to read for fun… this is it!

The Road Back to You
If ever I read another book that intrigues, builds understanding, and drive laughter like this one, I will buy it immediately. My husband is a 7, and I’m a 4, and there are things that suddenly made so much more sense to me after pouring through these pages. Self-awareness drives understanding and strategy… and if you can have fun doing so, all the better!

Life Without Lack
Dallas Willard takes us through Psalm 23 in this book. You will see things that perhaps never occurred to you, and beautiful evidence of the kind of shepherd that you will long to follow. Our lives lack nothing when He is leading. Plus, the cover is gorgeous.
The Boys in the Boat
This true story of young men who persevered through unthinkable difficulty in quest for gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics will captivate and inspire you. We are a people who benefit from examples of extraordinary virtue, and I can think of few examples more worthy of your time. Read it and taste excellence, commitment, and the beauty of find-ing your swing.

The Pursuit of God
Mama Bear Apologetics

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