Kid Stuff
I think most of us really want our kids to be learners, to practice discernment, and to build a foundation of truth. And unless you’re a creative genius with energy to spare, it can be really tricky coming up with the right resource to support you in this effort. So, here are a few resources for kids that you can go through with them, feeling confident in the messages they are getting. Have SO MUCH fun.
Little Pilgrim’s Progress
This allegory written about the life of a Christian was first written by John Bunyan in 1678. Once upon a time this classic was on the shelf of well… nearly everyone. Next to their Bible. I promise you there’s a good reason for it. This version written for children will probably be equally enjoyed as an adult. Life as a Christian is full of ups and downs. But there is a forever we are journeying toward and our kids can be encouraged with that hope. Because as sure as there is trouble, there is a way through it. If you want to foster an eternal perspective with your child, this is a must.

Creation points to creator. And this book will take the wonder fostered by science, and uncover beautiful reminders of who it was that thought it up. We went through a large portion of this devotional with my brother and niece over facetime during the early stag-es of the pandemic. It was fun for everybody.
Jesus Storybook Bible
If you had to pick one book for your kid from this list, it should probably be this one. Honestly, it makes the unified story of the Bible so very clear and beautiful without dilut-ing the power behind it, that most adults could benefit too. It’s amazing.

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