Rethinking Meek

Rethinking Meek

What do you want to be known for? What trait takes your breath away when you see it embodied? In the ESV the word “meek” surfaces 10 times in the Bible.  It is used to described Moses (the greatest law giver,) Jesus, and God’s chosen people or those who will inherit...
They Still Know His Voice

They Still Know His Voice

The waves were crushing. Fear and despair had fallen over the hearts of the disciples… not of petty loss, but of an impending finale of their lives. They were experienced fishermen, and this was no wimpy wind, it was the real deal. And so all of us who have heard what...
Hesed Loyalty

Hesed Loyalty

When my husband and I got married, my twin brother jumped into a video being made for us, threw a fist in the air and declared, “BROTHERS FOR LIFE!” We laugh every time we watch it. And when I see that picture of my boys it is the phrase that comes to...
Calling Out

Calling Out

There were four of us kids that my parents would put to bed each night.  And after reminding us of Joshua 1:9 which tells us not to be afraid, because God is with us wherever we go, they would say sweetly — “OK!  So no calling out and no getting out of bed.” You have...
Rumblings and a Rescue

Rumblings and a Rescue

There were rumblings.  People were confused.  Angry.  Nothing was cohesive except the mounting chaos consuming the crowd.  In bursts of brutal beckoning the average onlooker was bludgeoned with an agenda akin to a kind of evil they did not even appreciate.  There were...