by Emily Taylor | Apr 14, 2015 | Character of God, Leadership, Parenting |
I had an unexpected opportunity to address the subject of bravery at bath time the other night. My 4 year old (who does NOT like water in his eyes) asked to take a shower (while he might not have thought that one through, I saw it as progress); so I made a deal with...
by Emily Taylor | Sep 17, 2014 | Intentional living, truth, Wisdom |
This post is very different from my others. Mostly because it has the opportunity to develop with time. You already know how I feel about words. They are powerful. And in our lives we get a slew of them (some by choice, some a natural byproduct of life) which...
by Emily Taylor | Aug 22, 2014 | Intentional living, truth |
Last Thursday and Friday my brain was pelted with a barrage of brilliant leadership insights. I’m still recovering from “PGLSBB” (Post Global Leadership Summit Brain Barrage). In case my smile is not clear — I LOVED it. So did my hubs. It is SO good to get away...