by Emily Taylor | Jan 19, 2015 | Character of God, community, Holy Spirit, Intentional living, love, Pain and Suffering, Relationships |
Interesting little thing happened yesterday. The kids were building a maze out of couch pillows with Brandon, and with everyone occupied I ventured out to the mall for a quick kid-free errand (I know, alone, a rarity but that’s not the interesting part). The wind...
by Emily Taylor | Nov 13, 2014 | community, Discipleship, Intentional living, Parenting, Relationships |
If I “do life right,” parent brilliantly, and disciple intentionally; my kids and the people I care most about will take hold of what is good, true and right. Or alternatively; if I screw up on occasion, I will have doomed my kids and the people I influence to fail....
by Emily Taylor | Jul 30, 2014 | Intentional living |
We are deeply mistaken if we believe living in our “forte,” never evolves or transitions. As my insightful friend, Melissa (who’s story we are about to unwrap) pointed out to me, even Jesus faced a life with sharp transition. It’s interesting to me that the One who...