There are a lot of great reasons to seriously consider embracing Jesus to be who he claimed to be.  Many reasons to believe the Bible, and many reasons to consider Christianity. 

Pouring over evidence is compelling, powerful, mind-blowing stuff. 

Honestly?  My heart beats a little faster when I hear about textual criticism and the unfathomable reliability of the Bible – especially after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. 

It’s fascinating to consider the “liar, lunatic, or Lord,” theory C.S. Lewis presents about who Jesus was.

It’s incredible to think that Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah; which numbered over 300.  And that the likelihood of them being all found to be true in one person is statistically mind-blowing. 

All of this is phenomenal support for a decision I had already made about who Jesus is to me.

So why did I choose Christianity?  Why did I open my heart up to Jesus?

Because he is God?  That’s part of it. 

Because of textual critics?  That helps.

Evidence is compelling… but evidence can only go so far. To know the one who formed you… it’s something different altogether. 

I love who he is. That he is holy, compassionate and just. I love how he was there from the beginning. I love his brilliance in the story of creating the world. I love how he was carried as a baby in Mary’s womb. I love how he grew up fully God and fully man.  I love how he showed us what love looks like. How he showed us what leadership looks like. How he taught us to serve.  I love how he told stories and that he healed people; how he delighted in the weak, vulnerable, and overlooked. I love how he was strong. So strong that after 40 days without food he had the strength of will to overcome an assault by Satan.I love how he loves God, and he showed us that prayer is intimate. I love how he was obedient, loving and powerfully submissive to death so that he could be with us forever. I love how he made THE way to freely and confidently go before the throne of God. How even as he invites us to remember, that the exchange is that we walk in his power. I love how he promised us peace, firm ground, hope, and direction. I love how Jesus offered himself up for the most beautiful love story ever. And that he promises to come back for us, to start eternity with him in a new heaven and new earth. I love that he fights for us as the greatest warrior of all time. I love that he turns no one away, that waves still at his command, that crowds flocked to be near him. I love that he unveils mysteries and offers family. 

But there’s more than the stuff I read about — even though it’s reliable and love-dipped evidence of his pursuit.  There’s more because I know him now.    

I love how I have personally heard him beckon. Felt him grieve. Tasted his compassionate discipline. I love how at times he has been the only one who heard my cries, interceded on my behalf, and whispered his promises to my heart. I love how he protected me when I was vulnerable — sometimes not even realizing so until much later. I love his patience with me as I slowly develop into the woman he made me to be, and that he’s faithful even when I fail. I love how he is never withdrawn and reliably near. I love how he has proven himself sovereign over my career, my marriage, my children and my parenting as I figure out life. I love that he delights in me. He knows every hair on my head and has loved me before I sucked in my first taste of air. I love that he reveals himself to me as I pour through his Word, and that he reminds me often that the seen and the temporary are so very lacking compared to the unseen and the eternal.

There are so many compelling reasons to consider Christianity; combined it’s pretty tough to ignore.  But the reason I trust him with my life is because I love him — and he first loved me. 

Who do you know him to be? Let’s be a people who revel in the way he establishes us in his love. And he calls us to come. So let’s go to him.