
I just miss you

I just miss you

I have confidence with all of my capacity, to believe that there is life after death.  I believe that all of the hints and promises about what comes next, the glimpses gifted by God are true.  I believe that I will see my Mamaw and side by side worship and love and...

Distractions and Dagon

Distractions and Dagon

You ever have those moments when you laugh so hard at something and then stop and think, “hold up, do I do this too?”  This morning I had the pleasure of reading  in 1 Samuel 5 with my kids, because TCA is how we do school.  EVERY TIME I read this fantastic little...

Lingering on the Eternal Ushers in Hope and Rest

Lingering on the Eternal Ushers in Hope and Rest

Nothing draws you to linger over the eternal with quite such strength and relevance as death.  This summer, we lost my Mamaw; which we both grieved and celebrated (a remarkably compatible marriage of opposites).  We’re currently playing the waiting game with my Papaw...

Lingering on the Eternal Changes our Definition of Success

Lingering on the Eternal Changes our Definition of Success

Success is a value statement. Often it can even be a factor we consider when we evaluate the humans around us.  It reminds me of the Max Lucado book; You are Special.  It’s about a bunch of little wooden people called Wemmicks, making judgement calls on all the other...

People are Eternal, a Reflection on Identity

People are Eternal, a Reflection on Identity

Last post I stated that lingering on the eternal changes our relationships.  I don’t think it’s rocket science to say that people matter. You don’t have to believe in eternal things to value people.   But something does change when we perceive people as forever...

The Eternal

The Eternal

I’m enamored with the idea of appreciating eternal things.  Eternal.  It’s attractive because the word itself is just radiating purpose and depth.   It’s powerful because it matters -- and ultimately impacts our incentives.  It’s a breath of life to the most mundane...

Rumblings and a Rescue

Rumblings and a Rescue

There were rumblings.  People were confused.  Angry.  Nothing was cohesive except the mounting chaos consuming the crowd.  In bursts of brutal beckoning the average onlooker was bludgeoned with an agenda akin to a kind of evil they did not even appreciate.  There were...

My Honest Agenda

My Honest Agenda

I have an agenda.  Let me start with that honest truth.  I love to write, but I cannot say that I am the best at it.  I love God, but there are people who love him more.  I love considering the eternal, but there is so much I still have to learn.  I am no professional...

On Our Knees

On Our Knees

I went to a Lady Antebellum concert last week with my handsome hubs.  Loved it.  And I wasn’t the only one.  It was impressive.  There is just something about looking out into a room with the capacity to hold 15,000 people, and watch the nearly full auditorium become...



There are a lot of rainbows floating around right now.  And since this is supposed to be a blog about eternal stuff; well, I think the rainbow is a pretty tremendous place to land if we want to celebrate something. So consider this: The truth about the original...

Qualifying Heroism

Qualifying Heroism

Heroes stand on a firm foundation of truth.  They are life-givers. Heroes are… “admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities… regarded as a model or an ideal.” —   I’ve never purchased a “gossip” magazine.  I don’t...

A New Song

A New Song

I cannot sing.  The first time I realized it I was about 9 and I recorded myself (on cassette tape) singing a clip from “The Little Mermaid.”  When I proudly sat my family down for them to hear it, I was shocked and horrified when I realized I was not, in fact, Amy...