I just wrapped up a speaking engagement in Manhattan, Kansas, where I was gifted the chance to spend a beautiful and rich morning with some incredible women. Our topic was “Loving the Lasting,” in a world full of the temporary. A way of living fueled by a...
One Big Legacy Myth
If I “do life right,” parent brilliantly, and disciple intentionally; my kids and the people I care most about will take hold of what is good, true and right. Or alternatively; if I screw up on occasion, I will have doomed my kids and the people I influence to fail....
Leaving a Legacy — A View from 90
I love my Papaw. And he has made a mark on a tremendous number of people. After acknowledging a clear and certain call on his life, he went from being a brilliant mechanic to a passionate pastor. I’m pretty certain he has talked to more people about eternal stuff...
Cindy Hawks — 2 Essential Eternal Behaviors PART 1
Cindy Hawks’ every word drips with intention and points to her passion for the eternal. I spent a glorious hour (that felt like 5 minutes) asking her questions and digging into her thoughts on the topic of living intentionally with an eternal perspective. The...