Knowing God

Two Whispers, Two Results

Two Whispers, Two Results

How many times do you laugh about a season of life that you are SO glad is over?!  Like dating, your first job, junior high, the years you spent finding yourself.  Usually you can spend hours with old friends laughing and reminiscing until the tears are freely falling...

3 Characteristics of God

3 Characteristics of God

So recently (in probably my favorite post ever)  we explored the fact that God wants to be known; that His glory is important because we are important to Him.  This was evidenced in the point: "In the Old Testament, a variation of the phrase: 'Then they will know that...

Heaven Is For Real — Right?

Heaven Is For Real — Right?

Heaven Is For Real, by Todd Burpo, came out on November 2, 2012 and has since captured the interest of millions.  According to Wikipedia, within 3 weeks of it’s release, the book debuted at No. 3 on the New York Times bestseller list.  By January 2011, there were...

Why Sin Is Fun

Why Sin Is Fun

We just walked through the topic of “Why Does God Want to be Known,” and how his glory is our benefit — that our lives will never be so fantastic as when we are in relationship with Him (fun post).  Which begs the question: ever wonder why sin is so fun?  Ever...

Why Does God Want To Be Known?

Why Does God Want To Be Known?

God wants to be known.  All over scripture he went to great lengths to make people aware of who he was.  In the Old Testament, a variation of the phrase: “Then they will know that I am the Lord,” is used 88 times.  65 times in Ezekiel alone.  Most of the time it was...

Pool of Truth

Pool of Truth

What is your heart bathing in? From what source are you immersing your mind? We all soak something up to restore ourselves amidst the pollutants of the heart we are assaulted by, and we are wise to consider the source. What is breathing life (or something else) into...



It means to be abandoned or deserted; which infers an interruption of sorts.  The one forsaken wasn’t alone to begin with.  My own instinct is to assume (in most cases) a devastating separation, or rejection.  Which is what caught my eye and compelled me to linger as...

God Answers Us

God Answers Us

God Answers Us God answers us.  His response is always intentional, always soaked in love, always trustworthy.  When we demonstrate interest in hearing from him, he takes pleasure in making himself known.  When he speaks, we can expect that his personal response will...