The Mask
Ever consider a certain trait you exhibit and wish you could maybe just tweak it a little? There comes a point when our eyes are opened to the risk of vulnerability — and we have a choice about what we’re going to do with that reality and we tremble a little at the...
5 Reasons the Midwest Rocks
I had a goal one winter of not being cold. Not to the bone at least. I wanted to be at least borderline comfortable, like my hands wouldn’t typically feel like ice - this abruptly changed when I had kids, because when you have to strap 2 kids into their 5 point...
Prince of Peace
“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” — Isaiah 9:6 We have been celebrating the birth of a baby who is...
7 Things I Want My Boys To Know
Let’s face it — our world desperately needs men. Real men. When life is what hangs in the balance, we need someone to uphold truth and beckon life when darkness threatens. There are men like this, and I want to make sure there continues to be. And I think most of...
A Prompting and a Pretzel
Interesting little thing happened yesterday. The kids were building a maze out of couch pillows with Brandon, and with everyone occupied I ventured out to the mall for a quick kid-free errand (I know, alone, a rarity but that’s not the interesting part). The wind...
People Change
People change. Whenever I hear someone utter the phrase “people don’t change, not really,” I can’t help but cringe a little. Because you guys, we do. It just seems to hopeless, so cynical to think we can’t evolve. Doesn’t it? Let’s have some reverence for free...
The Announcement
It wasn’t a fleeting act of spontaneity. A casually thrown together event. It was a night that had been carefully constructed. The moment Eve’s lips collided with the apple; the second Adam choose to disregard God’s instructions and we went our own way; when sin...
Mom’s of Boys (MOB’s)
I am a Mom of boys (MOB). It’s straight crazy and I love it. Moms of girls - I don’t think I fully understand your days. Though I was a small girl once myself, I currently do not do dolls, quiet playtime (for more than 5 seconds), or meander through the zoo taking...
My Response to: “Dear Church, Here’s Why People Are Really Leaving You.”
Recently there has been a lot of attention given to a post entitled, “Dear Church, Here’s Why People Are Really Leaving You.” It made me ache. It made me sad, really sad. It made me feel misunderstood and it made me frustrated. Just being honest. And it stuck...
Two Truths About Resolution and Change
The thing that cracks me up about the New Year is that we often make these goals that just lend themselves to scrutiny. Pretty lofty ones sometimes. And we mean it… mostly anyway. I mean, one goal of mine was to improve the timing of my blog posts, but here I am on...
Here’s Your Cape
There are some very real moments in life that are seriously blow your mind insanely deserving of credit for going above and beyond normal human capacities and into superhero status. Seriously. But usually no one notices and if they do the reaction is something...
The Archer
I think my previously mentioned adoration for the Spartans is what induced my excitement over the thought that as a parent, I am an archer; a warrior. Parent for more than .5 seconds in this crazy world of ours and it doesn’t take long to embrace the warrior persona....