
3 Characteristics of God

3 Characteristics of God

So recently (in probably my favorite post ever)  we explored the fact that God wants to be known; that His glory is important because we are important to Him.  This was evidenced in the point: "In the Old Testament, a variation of the phrase: 'Then they will know that...

It’s A Season

It’s A Season

Today it was easy to be content.  SO easy. This morning the air was crisp and cool, the sun was bright, and the wind at bay.  The boys threw rocks into the lake that literally seemed to sparkle, and as they laughed and played I sipped my coffee, hugged my sweatshirt...

Why Does God Want To Be Known?

Why Does God Want To Be Known?

God wants to be known.  All over scripture he went to great lengths to make people aware of who he was.  In the Old Testament, a variation of the phrase: “Then they will know that I am the Lord,” is used 88 times.  65 times in Ezekiel alone.  Most of the time it was...

Cindy Hawks — 2 Essential Eternal Behaviors PART 1

Cindy Hawks — 2 Essential Eternal Behaviors PART 1

Cindy Hawks’ every word drips with intention and points to her passion for the eternal. I spent a glorious hour (that felt like 5 minutes) asking her questions and digging into her thoughts on the topic of living intentionally with an eternal perspective.  The...



This post is very different from my others.  Mostly because it has the opportunity to develop with time.  You already know how I feel about words.  They are powerful.  And in our lives we get a slew of them (some by choice, some a natural byproduct of life) which...

Heaven Is For Real — Right?

Heaven Is For Real — Right?

Heaven Is For Real, by Todd Burpo, came out on November 2, 2012 and has since captured the interest of millions.  According to Wikipedia, within 3 weeks of it’s release, the book debuted at No. 3 on the New York Times bestseller list.  By January 2011, there were...

Top 5 Take-Away’s from the Global Leadership Summit

Top 5 Take-Away’s from the Global Leadership Summit

Last Thursday and Friday my brain was pelted with a barrage of brilliant leadership insights.  I’m still recovering from “PGLSBB” (Post Global Leadership Summit Brain Barrage).  In case my smile is not clear — I LOVED it.  So did my hubs.  It is SO good to get away...

Stuff that Makes Us Crazy – “Spikes” Awards

Stuff that Makes Us Crazy – “Spikes” Awards

Life is crazy because people are crazy.  I mean seriously, incalculably, unpredictably, straight crazy.  And not always in a bad way, but in a “wow, that just happened” kind of way. To support this perspective I’ll add that a few years ago we woke up one morning to...

Two Truths About Angels

Two Truths About Angels

There is a LOT of speculation offered when it comes to the topic of supernatural beings, specifically angels.  I have no intention of declaring myself an expert on a topic which I cannot say I have relentlessly pursued; but I find myself, like many others, intrigued...

Why Sin Is Fun

Why Sin Is Fun

We just walked through the topic of “Why Does God Want to be Known,” and how his glory is our benefit — that our lives will never be so fantastic as when we are in relationship with Him (fun post).  Which begs the question: ever wonder why sin is so fun?  Ever...

Cindy Hawks — 2 Essential Eternal Behaviors, PART 2

Cindy Hawks — 2 Essential Eternal Behaviors, PART 2

In part 1 we got to know Cindy Hawks and consider her insights on the topic of discipling.  Buckle up friends, there's more... Having “vision” is a catchy phrase these days.  It’s tough to find a podcast or leadership book that doesn’t lead with the charge to have...

Forte Transition – Melissa’s Story

Forte Transition – Melissa’s Story

We are deeply mistaken if we believe living in our “forte,” never evolves or transitions.  As my insightful friend, Melissa (who’s story we are about to unwrap) pointed out to me, even Jesus faced a life with sharp transition.  It’s interesting to me that the One who...