Intentional living



Sharpeners are to be treasured, because not everyone will linger long enough to see your life, observe the beauty and recognize the vulnerabilities and gaps, and ALSO be willing to show them to you.

My Thoughts On IF:Gathering 2022

My Thoughts On IF:Gathering 2022

I just got back from Dallas about a week ago. I had planned to attend the IF conference, and my 7 husband decided it was a perfect opportunity to escape the grind of our normal routines, and take winter break in the middle of nowhere — also known as Point, TX. It was gloriously still. Beautifully quiet. Except for the coyotes… they were loud. But the point is that going into this conference my heart was rested, stilled, and ready to listen.

Transmission Troubles and Remembering

Transmission Troubles and Remembering

It’s Ash Wednesday, and there’s a whole lot of formal “remembering” happening right now. Takes me back to a moment last summer when God, in his good timing, prompted me to remember. We joke a lot about my husband’s “seven-ness” that seeps out of him on vacation. It...

Multum Non Multa and Moms

Multum Non Multa and Moms

Before I took a break from blogging a few years ago, I announced that I would be taking the summer off of public writing to embrace “Festina Lente,” (Latin for “make haste slowly”).  My plan was to strategize the next season of writing, because I love it here. And...

Little Stacks of Hope

Little Stacks of Hope

When you build little stacks of hope for yourself, or as reminders of God’s grace to be lent hope, lent strength to those around you; we are stirred toward love and good deeds. Let’s whisper reminders of God’s faithfulness. Evidence of his grace. And carry on towards a summit.



What story is your life telling? When people get around you, what message are they leaving with? This summer we wrapped up a trip to Utah. Hiking (along with the rest of the world during a pandemic) has become one of our favorite things to do. And while there is some...

This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything

“When you forget eternity, you tend to lose sight of what’s important.  When you lose sight of what’s truly important, you live for what is temporary, and your heart seeks for satisfaction where it cannot be found.” — Paul Tripp If you could fill in the blank:...