
Multum Non Multa and Moms

Multum Non Multa and Moms

Before I took a break from blogging a few years ago, I announced that I would be taking the summer off of public writing to embrace “Festina Lente,” (Latin for “make haste slowly”).  My plan was to strategize the next season of writing, because I love it here. And...

Married to a 7 — 7 Things to Know

Married to a 7 — 7 Things to Know

Marriage is always a ride. Always. There’s a good reason why we stand, love-struck, before an altar and say some things about sticking together in the face of every extreme possibility. But for those of us married to enneagram 7’s… well, it sure does seem like the...

Dark Chocolate Truffles

Dark Chocolate Truffles

  Dark Chocolate Truffles 8 oz quality dark chocolate1 1/4 cups heavy cream3 tbsp butterpinch saltHigh Quality cocoa powder Melt chocolate and butter in a microwave safe bowl. *Bring the cream to a light simmer in a small saucepan.In 3 stages, pour the hot cream...

Little Stacks of Hope

Little Stacks of Hope

When you build little stacks of hope for yourself, or as reminders of God’s grace to be lent hope, lent strength to those around you; we are stirred toward love and good deeds. Let’s whisper reminders of God’s faithfulness. Evidence of his grace. And carry on towards a summit.

Unexpected Unity

Unexpected Unity

I saw unity once in a place that surprised me. And I think we were made for this… that it’s possible. And it’s all about what summit we’re climbing toward.

Marriage 45 Years In

Marriage 45 Years In

What does love have in common with Charles Dickens’ famous novel A Tale of Two Cities? The opening sentence “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” makes you want to proceed with caution. But think about how those contrasts apply to marriage. When my...

The Great Secret

The Great Secret

Etched into the inside cover of my Mamaw’s old Bible are some faded words in shaky cursive. Nothing else claims any space on that otherwise blank page, as though THIS thought were what she wanted front and center. As though this thought were one she allowed no other...

Cliff Crawling in the Garden of the Gods

Cliff Crawling in the Garden of the Gods

My darling girl has been flexing her independence muscles lately. One week it included things like washing her own hair, handling some new chores, and riding her bicycle as fast as she could peddle down our street. The next week we were on vacation and independence...

The Yoke and the Plow

The Yoke and the Plow

Exhaustion seems to be the undercurrent of our culture right now. COVID just reared up and blasted us over the last 2 years, and while there has certainly been a spectrum of loss, even on the best side of the swing there has been a cumulative ask that has diminished...



What story is your life telling? When people get around you, what message are they leaving with? This summer we wrapped up a trip to Utah. Hiking (along with the rest of the world during a pandemic) has become one of our favorite things to do. And while there is some...

This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything

“When you forget eternity, you tend to lose sight of what’s important.  When you lose sight of what’s truly important, you live for what is temporary, and your heart seeks for satisfaction where it cannot be found.” — Paul Tripp If you could fill in the blank:...

Confessions from a Change-Resistant Person

Confessions from a Change-Resistant Person

Well, here we are again, starting a new year with fresh expectations and hopes, wondering how this year will be different from the last. Although I gave up making “New Year’s Resolutions” many years ago, I still wonder how each new year will be different from the...