
Zucchini Pie

Zucchini Pie

Zucchini Pie Mixed together½ Cup dry bread crumbs¼ Cup grated ParmesanSaute together until brown & crumbly1 lb ground beef¾ Cut chopped green peppers2 tbs chopped parsley1 tbs minced onion½ tbs garlic salt1½ tbs salt1½ tbs oregano Pastry crust for 9" pie,...

Strategy and the Mid-Year Reflection Guide

Strategy and the Mid-Year Reflection Guide

Do you ever find yourself in a place where you have identified what matters to you; but simultaneously develop an uncanny sense that you could be doing better?  Like running a race without stretching.  You think you could probably be making stronger strides,...

Team Taylor

Team Taylor

That handsome man you see in the picture just happens to be my husband.  He's my favorite.  We just celebrated 11 years of marriage by sitting cage-side at an Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event he was working in Chicago. Truth. Nothing says romance like deciphering the...

Deep Calls to Deep

Deep Calls to Deep

My brother is a walking billboard for what cool looks like.  He lives in Austin, cool.  Loves to surf, cool.  People are literally drawn to his personality.  He commands a room with his unassuming but brilliantly stated thoughts, most of which are completed with some...

Pushing Through Weariness

Pushing Through Weariness

There is a story about weariness that isn’t often remembered for weariness.  It’s one that compels me with his compassion because he knows exhaustion — because in my most noble of efforts I am quite often tired.  And the God of the Bible comes after us, and he shows...

Good Friday — He Comes After Us

Good Friday — He Comes After Us

We are moved by great love stories.  We suck in our breath and revel in the demonstration of passionate pursuit, by the one who is willing to abandon their own comfort— even dabble in danger if it means they might possibly be rewarded with the heart of the one they...

Mindset, Mission and My “Top 5” Recommendations

Mindset, Mission and My “Top 5” Recommendations

I just wrapped up a speaking engagement in Manhattan, Kansas, where I was gifted the chance to spend a beautiful and rich morning with some incredible women.  Our topic was “Loving the Lasting,” in a world full of the temporary.  A way of living fueled by a...

Truth Laced Lies

Truth Laced Lies

The air was thick with tension over what had been unfolding day after day after day.  They were desperate for a rescuer and even the man ruling over them seemed without answers and without courage.  They weren’t enough and they knew it.  Or at least, that’s what they...

Purpose over Petty

Purpose over Petty

One of the bazillion reasons I am falling in love with the practice of fixing my eyes on the eternal is because it is full of purpose.  FULL of purpose.  And aren’t our hearts burning for purpose?  Rich and satisfying purpose.  Purpose that can be found in pain, in...

7 Things I Want My Daughter to Know

7 Things I Want My Daughter to Know

I wrote a post for my little men in 2014; that inspired this — a post for my daughter.  There are days that I look at our world in all of it’s glories and all of it’s gore and I think, this world of ours desperately needs women — great women.  Not instead of or...

Self Reliance and the Danger of Drowning

Self Reliance and the Danger of Drowning

Foamy splashes of salt water breaking over my face is what woke me up to the reality of my situation.  It was all I could see in every direction and I wasn’t alone.  From my perch on a splintered piece of driftwood I searched the waters around me, silently; eyes wide...



Lullabies are sweet songs intended for the purpose of lulling into slumber.  It’s a delicious taste of peace to receive their sweet sounds — and to deliver the ones we love into a dream.  Until, alas, we are pulled from our dreamy depths and we must awaken.  My...